Dentists in Leigh-on-Sea, South East Essex
Chalkwell Dental Practice has served the residents of Leigh-on Sea for over 90 years, providing first class dentistry to generations of families.
The two principals, Phil Cannell and Richard Metcalf have worked in the local area for more than 50 years between them and are well respected members of the community. Your dental health care and cosmetic concerns are their priority and the entire practice is committed to ensuring you receive the best possible treatment.
Our caring receptionists have an excellent rapport with patients ensuring your visit is stress free, from the moment you walk through the door.
The nursing team will meet you with a warm welcome and are available to discuss any concerns you may have.
Our hygienists work closely with the dentists to ensure you receive the best preventative and oral health treatment, educating you in the best methods of care.
So put us to the test and call to arrange your appointment on
01702 475065
and we will get right back to you.
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